Tony Duong
Title: Ethics and Compliance Program Manager
Contact Information: Stanford Directory Profile
Tony Duong is a Program Manager for the Office of Ethics and Compliance (OEC), which resides in the Office of the Chief Risk Officer (OCRO). You can find more information about the Office of Ethics and Compliance (OEC) here. Since 2019, he has supported the helpline, compliance, and outreach functions that expand across the entire University.
Prior to joining the Office of the Chief Risk Officer (OCRO), Tony was a managing senior research accountant in the Office of Research Administration (ORA). He has over 8 years of post-award financial and compliance experience supporting sponsored research at Stanford. In addition to his post-award responsibilities, Tony implemented and managed two programs centered around college recruiting and training new staff. He also created and maintained internal post-award policies, co-developed internal dashboards and reporting, and contributed to numerous pilots and process/system enhancements for the Office of Research Administration (ORA) and Business Affairs (BA).
Tony holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration (with a concentration in Accounting) from San Jose State University. He is a member of the Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics® (SCCE®).